NOROMILUCALEN is a black metal band from Velikiy Novgorod – the oldest city of Russia. The idea of the band emerged in 2003. With the first stable line-up in 2005 the band started composing the material and searching for the individual musical concept. At the early stage the band was playing traditional black metal with the inclusions of death and doom metal, enriched with keyboard arrangements. Over the last years the band minimized the role of keys in the music aiming at more rigorous and complicated sound. The discography of NOROMILUCALEN includes two self-released CDs: 2007 «A Pitiful Tribute To Satan» (demo) and 2010 «I Hate You Jesus Christ» (EP). The first full-length album "Cursed and Forgotten" was recorded in 2014 and released by More Hate Productions. Traditionally, the album was produced, recorded and mixed by the band. The album includes previously unpublished material except for one song taken from the demo released back in 2007. By tradition the album was recorded, mixed and produced by the band. The music of NOROMI LUCALEN can be characterized as harsh and evilblack metal in keeping with the best traditions of the genre.
Line up:
- V. Impious - guitars, vocals;
- A. Inquisitor – guitars;
- P.Aleko – bass, vocals;
- Sv. Antony - drums.
Contact e-mail:
Web page of the band: