The Pentsign band was formed in cold winter 2003 by Zleh, Adol and Rom, after some rehearsals this line-up started to write unholy material without any boundaries for a debut album and 70 % of material was composed in that time, but the material was burried for long 2 years because of some personal disorder.
In 2005 with new forces Pentsign continued their work. Second guitarist Naitsirhc and bass guitarist Ratetz are joined the band. In support of their album they played live on Murmansk stage After it started recording satanic hymns for a first CD «Cacophonious March of Darkness» which finally was released only in 2008 under some circumstances...
In 2010 Pentsign shared the scene with polish death metal band Vader, and after returning to home they started to record their second «The Call of Ancient» album.
Line up:
- Zleh - vocals
- Rom - guitar
- Adol - drums
- Naitsirhc - guitar
- Ratetz - bass
Official website of the band: