LIGHT? is initially formed as a death metal project by Evgeny Churkin – its sole composer and member – back in 2002. From progressive gothic doom metal with death and symphonic black metal elements of the debut album (Mirrors, 2005) through almost completely acoustic “Light?” (2007) the music of the project becomes more and more soft, melancholic and atmospheric. Many years of creative endeavor result in “My Sunrise in January” album released on the Internet in 2013 and marking a kind of watershed: vocal is completely removed from the music (“vocal” lines are represented only by samples from different movies), while the music becomes more emotional and rich, eclectic and multigenre. As a result, the incredible atmosphere and emotionality of music along with stylistic versatility become the signature of the project. Since 2005 LIGHT? has released 9 albums, one EP and one split with Pavel Yakovlev – a painter and musician from Yaroslavl (Songs Of Dying Wishes, 2016). At different times albums of the project are self-released on the Internet and released on physical media by different labels (Stygian Crypt prods, Haarbn prods, Fono ltd). “Songs of Little Heart” is released by More Hate Productions. This is a concept-based album inspired by the works of L. Vygotsky, A. Luria, O. Sacks and other works on neuropsychology. The idea of the album is that a conditionally normal person is almost unable to understand the feelings of those who are unable to comprehend and accept the fact of existence of their own physical body: “If a man has lost a leg or an eye, he knows he has lost a leg or an eye; but if he has lost a self—himself—he cannot know it, because he is no longer there to know it.” If truth be told, there is nothing to add to this allegory. In 2022 the project releases a double CD titled “Etalon Nelepoy Sluchainosti (The Epitome of Absurd Accident)/ Music From Negatives”. It is followed by another double CD “Kem Ya Bil? / Veta” (Who I was? / Veta) in autumn of 2024. “Kem Ya bil?” is an image hidden in sound and a sound hidden in image, the unanswered letters lost in a blizzard of time, an abandoned lonely house once built at the intersection of somebodys lives, that still remembers childrens laughter and the joy of being destined to become the gosts lost within these crumbling walls, the eyes I did not have a chance to close and the lips I was too late to kiss, it’s a long way home... The name “Veta” (Veta) was taken from “Shkola Durakov” (A school for fools) = a book by S. Sokolov. Veta is the name of a woman, the character of the story, the embodiment of light, love, and all the best things to set heart on, but also suffering and frustration, since it is not completely clear, whether this woman exists in reality or is a working of a sick imagination of the main character with dissociative identity disorder.
Line up:
- Evgeny Churkin — all instrumets, vocals.
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