Winter. From black cosmic nebula our division put ashore the corrupted soil – planet Earth (Ukraine, Kiev). Right away was specified the concrete direction — Black Metal, specific tactics undernamed "Destroy It All", and general layout — to evolve new empire on Earth — The Empire of Balance Interruption.
Was completed the work over first experiment — demo "Era: Formula". New formula of human's existence was disclosed. In the same year occurred first band’s performance — the first act of usurpation (Kiev).
Squad starts to destroy cities of Ukraine and Russia. Also supports Marduk, Behemoth live acts. On August 24th in Moscow was presented our first nuclear dimensioned weapon — CD "Era 1: Nuclear War for Rescue". Self-destruction — result that human so long have gone towards it, not realizing its sense in most. New epoch will come…
Headliners on POSTAPOCALYPSE Act Squad visits cities of Lithuania, Moldova.
Balance Interruption completes the work over new creation — EP "EraII: Deserts of Ashes", which was recorded in Blacklight studio (Khors, Semargl, Septory). Post Nuclear Age. The New Era is submission to only regime — Chaos, which we generate in each sound. The New Empire raises over ruins of the past…
Summer 2009. Airfield "Chayka". Open air live performance with Septicflesh,Devildriver... At the end of 2009 squad has released their EP "Era II: Deserts of Ashes".
Headliners on POSTAPOCALYPSE II. First tape 2006 "Era: Formula" released on MC. Full length album "Deserts of ashes" is expected!
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