DIAGOR (initially named "Padal" – carrion) is formed in Krivoy Rog (the Ukraine) in September 2012 by Dmitriy ‘Deadlord’ Gubich (bass) and Viktor ‘Morgoth’ Goncharov (drums). Soon Anton ‘Isavar’ Melnichuk (vocals, guitar) joins the band. The style chosen by the musicians is black metal. Between 2012 – 2013 the line-up of DIAGOR also features Anna Stanislavova (keyboards). Currently all keyboard lines are sampled and taken upon Isavar.
This line-up (Deadlord, Morgoth and Isavar) starts playing shows along with composing and polishing the material for the upcoming record. “Hatred of all the living” (full-length CD) is recorded by the same line-up during the summer of 2015. Meanwhile, Sergey ‘Thomas’ Tolmachev (guitar) joins DIAGOR in 2015 and plays his first shows with the band in summer. Band’s debut “Hatred of all the living” is released in the beginning of 2016 by MORE HATE Productions with distribution via FONO Ltd.Line up:
- Isavar – guitars, vocals, synths programming
- Deadlord - bass
- Morgorh – drums
- Thomas - guitars
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