SAGOTORIUM is formed back in 2012 by the former members of ASSFACED (grind-core). Despite the ASSFACED, the new band is more focused on live shows and pays more attention to sound quality of its material. In 2013 the first 13-track full-length album "Primary Miscarriage" is released. The album combines dance rhythms and classic death/grind approach.
Between 2012 – 2014 SAGOTORIUM plays a series of shows in its home country of Belarus sharing stage with such local monsters as ANAL GRIND, POSTHUMOUS BLASPHEMER, BRADI CEREBRI ECTOMIA, EXEGUTOR, EXTERMINATION DISMEMBERMENT. During this period the band decides to use audio samples characteristic of industrial genre and to change lyrical themes from gore-grind dissection, fetal growling and pig squealing to lyrics full of humor. In several following years SAGOTORIUM develops its individual style comprising the ideas brought by each member of the band, then thoroughly discussed and pearled off.
The second full-length album with intriguing title "Poedemte zhit" (Lets go to reside) is released in October of 2014 by Madbreed Records (Brest, Belarus). As its predecessor it consists of 13 tracks to the taste of the modern fans of “the heavier the better”. The wide range of the album includes grind-core, death metal riffs mixed with industrial inserts and technical elements. Lyrics are filled with humor and cosmogonic philosophy. Letting no grass grow under its feet, the band commences the recording of an EP, released as early as in January, 2015. The characteristic features of this 4-track EP titled “Chrevougodie” (Gluttony) include aggressive vocals and tougher sound. The third full-length album titled “ZhZL” (The Life of Outstanding People) is released in December, 2015. With this album SAGOTORIUM has finally found its own sound. The music is more thrashy and the lyrics are biographical mockery.
Line up:
- Alexey - vocals;
- Zhdan - vocals, drums;
- Gomer - guitars;
- Stn - bass, synths, drums.
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