UNTROP (Ivanovo-Frankovsk) is formed by Maksim Mysechko (bass) and Aleksandr Ruzhylo (guitar) in September of 2009. Soon Taras Grushevskiy (drums), Taras Soroka (keys) and Vladimir Kuziv (guitar) join the band, while Maksim Mysechko becomes the vocalist along with playing bass guitar. At the early stage the band performs death-doom/ dark metal with gloomy atmosphere and slow riffs. EP “Silence”, the first record of the band, is released in August, 2010.
UNTROP begins concert activity in 2011 and plays more than 20 shows. In summer of 2011 Taras Soroka quits the band. He is replaced by Nikolay Stelmakh. In autumn of 2012 Taras Grushevskiy also leaves the band, and UNTROP decides to take a break. In February 2013 the line-up changes cardinally: Aleksandr Ruzhilo and Vladimir Kuziv quit the band, and Ruslan Yuzkov (drums), Maksim Sukharskiy (guitar) and Vladimir Protsyshin (guitar) become the new members of UNTROP. With a new blood the band gets a second wind and starts working at old and fresh material. The style of the band undergoes significant changes – now the project performs symphonic blackened death metal. In autumn of 2013 Vladimir Protsyshin, Ruslan Yuzkov and Nikolay Stelmakh leave the band. After a half-year break Maksim Mysechko and Maksim Sukharskiy decide to make UNTROP a studio project only and begin the recording of an album at Faust Records. During this period Katerina Romaniv (violin) joins the band. Ruslan Boyaryn (guitar) and Ulyana Goncharuk (vocals) are invited as session musicians. The band puts a stake on powerful symphonic sound and profound lyrics. In March of 2015, UNTROP issues the first single “In Toils” from the upcoming album “Pale Illusions of life” released several months later by More Hate Productions.
Line up:
- Maxim Misechko - Bass, Vocals
- Katerina Romaniv - Violin
- Maxim Sukharsky - Guitars, Backing vocal
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