HELIOSS - Contre ma lumière - SAT345
Release date: 01.11.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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The APOLLYON MECHANICUS project existing in different musical forms since 2009 has finally found the proper artery in the creator-s neck, and a skillfully made cut has sprinkled the path to the source of inspiration. After 9 years, the band re-presents its album titled "218", which got re-recorded vocals and a new mix. This album is an inverted rendition of "Paradise Lost" — a poem by John Milton. Eight black canvas, the tales of Darkness, Chaos, the Fall and expulsion from Paradise, the creation of the world and Hell, degeneration. Daring combination of discordant black metal, flexible progressive metal and elegant instrumental detours creates a hyperspace of whirling harmonies and shades. Each track shocks with a discharge of technicality topped with legible vocals. It is a real journey through the phantasmagoric worlds, coarticulation of divine names and poisonous beauty of unearthly rituals held in the lakes of timelessness and sacrificial pits of the Universe. Mixing and mastering: Aspherical Arts Prod. Cover art: Sumrak. Design: Vladislav Tkachev.
Release date: 29.08.2024 | Format: (CD) | Genre: Black metal
Release date: 01.11.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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Release date: 01.11.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: heavy/ thrash metal
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Release date: 23.10.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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Release date: 15.10.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: melodic heavy metal
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Release date: 02.10.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Pagan folk metal
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