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AD NIHIL - Zavedomo Lozhnye Celi (Deliberately False Targets)
Ad Nihil cover

The third full-length release by the Russian nihilists the Order of AD NIHIL continues the sophisticated concept of their second album, consisting in analysis of existence and reflections on the role of humankind in the cycle of events. "Zavedomo Lozhnye Celi" (Deliberately False Targets) shows the collapse of civilization, defeated by the demons of human vices. It is a treatise about the animal nature of a crowd, death of philosophers and passionaries. In line with the downfall concept itself, the album has a dark apocalyptic vibe: hasteless entwinement of atmospheric vibrations alternates with thunderous explosions of earthshaking damnations. It is something akin to a requiem for the God voraciously ripped by scavengers and vultures, while his children, deprived of their great shepherd who led them through the dark, are struck by the plague of insanity that turns them back into animals, destroying the ideal forms of their culture and ancestral heritage. The sound landscapes of the album range from omnivorous, chthonic sludge doom to explosive impetuous black/death metal with hardcore elements. All these together contributes to a truly ominous, nihilistic atmosphere that plunges listeners into the essence of these archaic opuses.

Release date: 11.07.2024 | Format: (CD) | Genre: Blackened Sludge/ Doom Metal/ Drone Doom/ Funeral Ambient

Cover Light 2024

LIGHT? - Kem Ya Bil? (Who I Was?)/ Veta - MHP 24-479

Release date: 18.09.2024
Format: (D-CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Instrumental Atmospheric/ Experimental
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Drakayna 2024

DRAKAYNA - O Strastyah i Porokah (Of Passions and Vices) - MHP 24-494

Release date: 05.09.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Death/ thrash metal
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AM 218_digital_cover


Release date: 29.08.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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MRAMOR - Mortophilia - MHP 24-493/ NP 452-24

Release date: 20.08.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Post Black, Depressive Black metal
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Sieta - Novgorod - SAT348/ RRR-033/ MHP 24-480

Release date: 15.08.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: folk pagan metal
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